Sustainable processing of Europe's low-grade sulphidic and lateritic nickel/cobalt ores and tailings into battery-grade metals

EU Raw Materials Week 2022

The 7th edition of the “Raw Materials Week” will take place from 14 to 18 November 2022 as physical and online events, gathering a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies […]

8th International Slag Valorisation Symposium

SLAG VALORISATIONWe are now more than ever aware of the risks which we encounter on this precious planet. As our society is facing several challenges, such as climate change, depletion […]

1st ENICON Capacity Building Seminar

The ENICON ( Horizon Europe funded research project, organizes the 1st Capacity Building Seminar, on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2023.The target group of the seminar involves mainly graduate […]

244th ECS Meeting

ECS is pleased to return to Europe for our first biannual meeting there in over 10 years! Gothenburg, the second largest city in Sweden, has held the #1 ranking on the Global […]

EU SuperCluster Lapland Geoconference

ENICON, along with other eleven EU-funded Raw Materials projects EIS, AGEMERA, CIRAN, GOLDENEYE, GREENPEG, SEMACRET, M4MINING, MaDiTraCe, MinExTarget, MultiMiner, S34I, and the University of Queensland (Australia) are partnering up to […]

IPMS symposium

INTERNATIONAL PROCESS METALLURGY SYMPOSIUMin honour of Professor Ari Jokilaakso Metallurgy as a tool for challenges in circular economy Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo, Finland 31st October – 1st November, 2023 […]

EU Raw Materials Week 2023

The 8th edition of the Raw Materials WeekThe Raw Materials Week is an annual event organised by the European Commission. It gathers a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives […]